VCMA’s history is rooted in community activism in the late 70s, and this aspiration for advocacy continues to be in our DNA.



When food regulators shut down Vancouver Chinatown’s barbeque meat stores in 1975 – affecting livelihoods and cultural practices – a group of Chinatown merchants organized the community in protest, garnering support in the thousands and taking the fight all the way to Ottawa. Years later, merchants came together again to fight another regulation that forced business closures on Sundays and public holidays. They succeeded on both fronts, and the resulting sense of unity led to the official founding of Vancouver Chinatown Merchants Association (VCMA) in 1981.




Through the active contributions of our members, VCMA has helped to realize a number of projects over the years. These range from public realm improvements such as the creation of Chinatown Plaza & Parkade and the iconic dragon street lights, to programming initiatives like the original Night Market, security patrols, annual festivals and cleaning campaigns. At the core of our work is advocacy for the collective voice of Chinatown businesses – speaking to governments and other institutions about policies, bylaws and needs that impact the community.



You have succeeded to assure Sunday Shopping in Chinatown to serve the historic and cultural needs of the Chinese Community.


Michael Harcourt, Mayor of Vancouver (1983) 溫哥華市長 哈葛(1983年)

Today and Tomorrow

There continues to be a need for a strong voice from Chinatown’s business community, to meet the challenges of today, and also to celebrate the wins – both great and small – together. Our work builds on the credibility and representation of our membership, and on our foundation of advocacy for legacy businesses and small shops, to support the cultural and economic vitality of Chinatown.


華埠商戶仍然需要有一個強有力的聲音,以應對現今的挑戰並共同慶祝無論大小規模的各種成就 。我們的工作建基在各位會員的信譽和代表性,以及我們為傳統及特色商店和小商舖作出維權倡議的基礎之上,以支持華埠的文化和經濟活力。

What We Stand For


Created by Dunefield | Wilco van Bemmel, Susan Ma, Albert Lam | Photo and videography: Brenda Xiong | Additional images: Jim Wong-Chu, Wilco van Bemmel, Susan Ma, Rob Kruyt, Ben Geisberg, Haeccity, Kayla Isomura and René Pierre | This work was made possible by funding contributions of the City of Vancouver through the Special Enterprise Program, and of Heritage BC through the Heritage Legacy Fund.

由 Dunefield 創作 | Wilco van Bemmel、Susan Ma、Albert Lam | 攝影和錄像:Brenda Xiong | 額外圖片:朱藹信、Wilco van Bemmel、Susan Ma、Rob Kruyt、Ben Geisberg、Haeccity、Kayla Isomura 和 René Pierre | 這個項目是由溫哥華市政府通過特殊企業計劃,和卑詩文化遺產協會轄下的文化遺產基金提供資助而得以完成。