Dollar Meat Store


For over 50 years, Dollar Meat Store has been a cornerstone of Chinatown’s culinary traditions. Co-owned and operated by the Chow and Wong families, this Chinese butcher serves fresh, farm-to-table meats carved to customers’ requests. Beyond fresh offerings, Dollar Meat Store specializes in dried Chinese sausages and hams, prepared using traditional methods.


Trusted Butcher Experts

Generations of loyal customers have come to rely on Dollar Meat Store and their trusted, experienced staff. These butchers continue to serve people in Cantonese, Mandarin and English, offering hand-cut meats tailored to Chinese cuisine, and prepared just how the customer likes it best. In Chinese culture, the freshness of the meat goes before all else, and many feel that meat should be butchered and cut on the same day. Dollar Meat Store is a place where such culinary traditions are honoured and sustained.



[Business co-owner Joey Wong (left) and butcher Paul Su | 合夥人黃國政(左) 和切肉師傅 Paul Su]

Our customers keep returning because of our employees. They like that our butchers know exactly how they want their meats cut.


Joey Wong 黃國政

Hidden Strengths

Like many Chinatown businesses, Dollar Meat Store is more than what meets the eye. The Chow and Wong families have been at the helm of the shops’ humble beginnings as a half-unit storefront in the early 1980s, growing steadily to include a second store and a federally-inspected production facility, exporting to global markets. Their team of over 120 people are the force behind products that serve Chinese and non-Chinese patrons: from the families’ home cooked dinner, to popular Canadian restaurants and airline caterers.


像許多華埠商戶一樣,元昌燒臘肉食公司的業務範圍不僅僅是表面所見。 從80年代初期在只有半邊店面的細小規模開始,周、黃兩家一直在主理著店舖的業務,並穩步擴展至成立第二家店舖和一間經聯邦政府審批的生產設施,同時更將產品出口至全球各地市場。他們為數一百二十多人的團隊,代表著為華裔和非華裔顧客所提供產品背後的力量,而產品對象包括了自家烹飪的家庭、本國著名的餐廳以至航空公司餐飲服務等。

Since we started our production facility in the 80s, we have expanded into many markets across the globe… New Zealand, Australia, Japan, Hong Kong, USA, to name a few.


Joey Wong 黃國政

Traditions for the Future

Dollar Meat Store maintains traditional methods to serve today’s and tomorrow’s clientele. Since their inception in the 1970s, the store continues to preserve the cultural heritage of dried Chinese sausages and specialty meats in Chinatown. Today, the shop is a trusted supplier to Chinese restaurants across the region, providing not only meats but also the cultural expertise that keeps these traditions alive.



Championing Chinatown

The Chow and Wong families’ commitment to their community goes beyond the walls of their shop. They helped unite Chinatown merchants during the BBQ meat protests, and advocated for the development of the Chinatown Plaza mall and parkade. This spirit of community activism is passed on through the generations, including with Joey Wong, one of two current owners of the business. Together with other community leaders, Joey hopes to give a voice to the Chinatown business community, ensuring its success in an evolving landscape.



[This 1967 article on the wall of Dollar Meat Store honours Mary Chan. When her Chinatown storefront closed, Mary decided to help out at Dollar Meat Store to continue the traditions of Chinese barbecued duck, chicken and pork. Many in Chinatown will remember Mary as a skilled commander of the BBQ chopping block, wielding the cleaver with strength and precision.]


About This Series 關於本系列

Vancouver Chinatown’s legacy businesses are stewards of the neighbourhood’s cultural significance. With this storytelling series, we uncover the – often hidden – histories and intangible heritage that these businesses hold and offer.

Through short portraits, we hope to build support for the preservation of our community. It is an opportunity to get to know Chinatown’s merchants in a more personal way, and learn how they contribute to oral histories, food traditions and more.



COLOFON | Created by Dunefield | Wilco van Bemmel, Susan Ma, Albert Lam | Photo and videography: Brenda Xiong | Additional images: Jim Wong-Chu, Wilco van Bemmel, Susan Ma, Rob Kruyt and René Pierre | This work was made possible by funding contributions of the City of Vancouver through the Special Enterprise Program, and of Heritage BC through the Heritage Legacy Fund.

Dunefield 創作 | Wilco van Bemmel、Susan Ma、Albert Lam | 攝影和錄像:Brenda Xiong | 額外圖片:朱藹信、Wilco van Bemmel、Susan Ma、Rob Kruyt、Ben Geisberg、Haeccity、Kayla Isomura 和 René Pierre | 這個項目是由溫哥華市政府通過特殊企業計劃,和卑詩文化遺產協會轄下的文化遺產基金提供資助而得以完成。