VCMA’s reason to exist builds on the idea that all Chinatown businesses can be successful, while staying true to our culture.


The Mission

VCMA exists to enhance and strengthen the Vancouver Chinatown business community by uplifting legacy businesses.



Our Vision

Our focus is on sustaining and ensuring the success of legacy businesses. The well-being of these businesses strengthens the community, and reflects positively on all existing businesses and newcomers to the neighbourhood.



The Values We Hold Dear:


Build Shared Success

We believe that all Chinatown businesses – traditional and contemporary, new and established – can unite around a shared idea of success, while staying true to the culture.


我們相信,所有華埠的商戶無論是傳統和現代的、又或是新舖和老店, 都可以在一個共享成功的理念下團結一致,而同時信守我們的文化。

Preserve Cultural Heritage

We believe that much of Chinatown’s culture is held and sustained by its business community, and that their dedication is key to keeping the legacy of Chinatown strong and relevant.



Advocate For Change

Operating a business in Chinatown comes with very unique challenges. We believe that VCMA is uniquely positioned to fight for change and support that impacts our local businesses most.



Collective Voice

We believe that VCMA can be the place where Chinatown businesses are among their peers, find a listening ear, and can form a united voice for causes they deeply care about.



Our Business Community


Created by Dunefield | Wilco van Bemmel, Susan Ma, Albert Lam | Photo and videography: Brenda Xiong | Additional images: Jim Wong-Chu, Wilco van Bemmel, Susan Ma, Rob Kruyt, Ben Geisberg, Haeccity, Kayla Isomura and René Pierre | This work was made possible by funding contributions of the City of Vancouver through the Special Enterprise Program, and of Heritage BC through the Heritage Legacy Fund.

由 Dunefield 創作 | Wilco van Bemmel、Susan Ma、Albert Lam | 攝影和錄像:Brenda Xiong | 額外圖片:朱藹信、Wilco van Bemmel、Susan Ma、Rob Kruyt、Ben Geisberg、Haeccity、Kayla Isomura 和 René Pierre | 這個項目是由溫哥華市政府通過特殊企業計劃,和卑詩文化遺產協會轄下的文化遺產基金提供資助而得以完成。